Donaustraße, 85049, Ingolstadt
Since we are in the center of Ingolstadt, you will find the most important places such as bars, cafes, restaurants, supermarkets, drugstores, dry cleaners and everything you need in everyday life within walking distance. If you want a good coffee crema or espresso, you can use the existing espresso maker. Alternatively, you have the opportunity to visit cafes and restaurants in the immediate vicinity.You will also find parks and a local recreation area in the immediate vicinity or within walking distance.
Immobilientyp: Wohnung
Stadt: Ingolstadt
Schlafzimmer: 1
Badezimmer: 1
Fläche: 25 m2
Preis: 2953 €
Verfügbar ab: 2024-11-15
Waschmaschine: Ja
Geschirrspüler: Ja
Preis pro m²: 118 €